Radio Stations

At Mhastery, we understand that radio stations have very specific needs. And we feel our expert digitization services can directly address some of the most pressing. Following is a brief list of benefits that digitizing your vinyl library can offer:

  • Reclaim Vital Floorspace
    Are you drowning in vinyl? Let's face it, square footage doesn't come cheap, and all those 12" records gobble it up quickly.
  • Retain That Vinyl Sound
    The fact is, vinyl sounds different than a CD or an MP3. Luckily, you can have the best of both worlds by digitizing your existing vinyl, rather than replacing it with new digital content. This option provides you with an exact digital copy of your records, with all their nuance and character. The final result will sound identical to your specific albums, but will have all the benefits of a digital file.
  • Eliminate Loss
    How many times have you searched through the stacks only to find that the album you're looking for has been misfiled, stolen, or damaged? Digitizing freezes your collection in time, ensuring that this concern is completely eliminated. Furthermore, how can you "backup" a physical library to protect against natural disasters? Digital files allow for more flexibility in disaster-preparedness, such as off-site backup.
  • Leverage Your Existing Library
    Just because it's in your library doesn't mean your DJ's know about it. How many fantastic albums are sitting, unplayed, in your stacks simply because no one has happened upon them for the past...several...years? Once you pull all your albums together into a digital library, they are at once searchable, sortable, taggable... A wealth of information is immediately at your disposal, such as when a track was last played, or seemingly insignificant details that prove very practical in day-to-day operation, such as the exact running time of each track.

Your library is too valuable to delay any longer. Contact Us to get the ball rolling, and we'd be glad to work up a proposal for your digitization project.